12 November 2013


Itech has spread its wing in the field of Android development. Hence Itech has come up with new application for the candidates who visits our company website, to make interview schedules to the candidates based on the result coming from this Quiz application. 

In the Itech Quiz app we are providing the sample quiz to the candidates in his smart phone. This quiz contains the simple questions based on the experience level and the topic selected by the candidate. At the end of the quiz it displays the result for that quiz attended by the candidate and we maintain that result and sent it to our mail with the candidate details (name, email-id, mobile-no, qualification and result he scored in the quiz). 

By using this application it is easy to find the candidates who are good in result. It is also easy to short list the candidates and make schedule to those candidates for the interview. Even it is good application to candidates to check their intelligence and to understand where they are standing and where they have to be in future.

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itech solutions website

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